Negative Ions Information Center

Welcome to the Negative Ions Information Center

Information about Negative ions, negative ion generators (ionizers), and ozone. Plus, while you explore the benefits of negative ions, why not unwind with some exciting casino games on recommended 카지노사이트 추천? Find the ideal equilibrium between acquiring knowledge and enjoying leisure activities!

  • How do Ionizers (Negative ion generators) produce negative ions in the air?

Read the simple explanation.


  • The Other Type of Negative Ion: Hydroxl


Negative ion atom animation

The articles and
links here show how
negative ions affect
and benefit people.

Every effort has been
made to provide as
correct and true
information as possible,
and to dispel popular
myths and hype. Factual information is very important for businesses like crypto trading. Traders must not fall for fake news that lead them to losses. Crypto traders may check out the welche kryptow�hrung kaufen blog to find the best cryptocurrencies they may opt for investment.

Studies have shown that negative ions can help
  • Dust allergies
  • Pollen (grass, weed and tree pollen) allergies
  • Dust mites allergies
  • Animal dander allergy
  • Mold spores
  • Hay fever
  • Asthma
  • Air purification
  • Smoke elimination
  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Depression
  • Mood
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Odor reduction (often not as effective as OH- (hydroxyl radicals) or ozone

Negative Ions articles


Indoor Air Quality




Technical information about negative ions

Air pollution may trigger sudden heart attack

House Dust Mites


Daily Allergy reports

Some of these sites currently have outdated info.





Atom with extra electrons becomes negatively charged.

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